Mary Magdalene Revealed by Megan Watterson

Before reading this book, I did not know much about Mary Magdalene, who she was or what she represents. But I was drawn to her name (in fact, in came to me in meditation and automatic writing). So I dug in to learn more about her. Once I started reading this book, I could not put it down. I was pulled in to the life of Mary Magdalene and the mysteries of the lost pages of her gospel. Author, Megan Watterson, beautifully and intrinsically describes Mary's work, her life, her relationship with Jesus, and so much more. If you have ever wondered about Mary (or her truth), I highly recommend this book. You can purchase it here.

Many Lives Many Masters by Brian Weiss, M.D.

Are you curious about past lives? Do you ever wonder if and how your past lives may be impacting and affecting this lifetime? 

After reading this book, you will not question whether or not you have been here before. Dr. Brian Weiss brilliantly describes his research and interactions with patients, confirming past lives. Dr. Weiss uses real life cases to describe how past lives can impact us and what that means. If you are curious about past lives, read this book! You can purchase it here.

Animal Spirit Guides, Steven D. Farmer, PH.D.

This book has been well loved and well used over the years. I often encounter animals in strange places or at strange times. Sometimes I see them in person. Other times they come to me in a dream. Whenever I encounter an animal and I think there is a deeper meaning, I use this book to see what the meaning may be. More often than not, the meaning is highly accurate and timely. 

This book is fabulous for anyone who encounters animals and looks for a deeper, spiritual meaning. Buy it here


Although I don't typically offer oracle card readings to my clients, I sometimes incorporate them into a session. I also use them a lot for myself. If I am looking for an answer or guidance, I often allow my intuition to guide me to a deck. I knock the deck three times to release the old energy. As I shuffle the deck, I ask the question I am looking for guidance on. Sometimes, the question is "What do I need to see today?". I usually allow a card to fall out, knowing this is the one that is speaking to me. 

Oracle cards are a great way to start using your intuition. Here are a few of my favorite decks:

The Mary Magdalene Oracle: A 44-Card Deck & Guidebook of Mary's Gospel & Legend 

White Light Oracle: Enter the Luminous Heart of the Sacred

Sacred Rebels Oracle: Guidance for Living a Unique & Authentic Life